Baby Names Inspiration articles

Blog > Articles on Baby Names Inspiration
by Ruth FitzpatrickPosted on: June 5th, 2017
June 5th is World Environment Day, so to honor it we thought we'd compile a list of our favorite environmentally friendly names. Why recycle the usual suspects, when you can draw directly from nature and give your son or daughter a unique sounding name which is full of untamed promise and connectivity to the world? Although there's nothing stopping you from giving this name evocative of springtime and wildflowers to your son, it has become fairly established here in the US as a girl's name.
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by Ruth FitzpatrickPosted on: June 5th, 2017
Names inspired by ancient Greek mythology have been popular since, well, ancient Greece!! The reason they've always been - and remain - so popular is that they manage to maintain a balance between sounding old and new, classic and fresh. Also, the heroic exploits of their namesakes might give your little one plenty of inspiration for future exploits! Though, having read lots of Classical literature, hopefully not too much..!
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by Nicole HuppenthalPosted on: May 30th, 2017
Naming your baby is one of the most joyful and important times that parents spend in preparation for the arrival of their little one. However, it can be very stressful for those that simply just cannot agree on a name. Perhaps there isn't a distinct family name that both parents can agree on. Or maybe this isn't the first, second, or third child in the bunch and the idea bank is nearing empty. Perhaps mom tends to appreciate more contemporary names while dad favors the traditional. There could be numerous reasons why deciding on a single name may be a tedious task, and why you are now perusing various articles looking for inspiration.
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